
I know you have heard about the healing benefits of bone broth. I have taken it to another level and turned it into a warm weather treat that your kids will love or the kid in you will love.

It beats the high sugar choices that you find at the grocery store. You’re kids will never know that the secret ingredient is- bone broth! How knew something so healthy could taste just as good as a store bought version.

Testimonial from one happy child consumer: “The chocolate one tastes like a healthy fudgesicle and the mango is REALLY, REALLY good!”

You can mindfully indulge in this classic treat with healthier ingredients and still feel like you have indulged.




2 cups fruit of choice- watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries
2 cups homemade bone broth
stevia or manuka honey


Blend everything in a blender until smooth. Put in popsicle sleeves or if you want to reduce plastic waste use popsicle molds.

Eco friendly popsicle molds

  1. Ecozoi Stainless Steel Molds
  2. Onyx Stainless Steel Popsicle Mold
