
Millet is high in copper, phosphorous, manganese and magnesium. It is one of the easiest digestible grains and acts as a prebiotic that feeds the inner bacteria in your gut. It is high in fiber and low in simple sugars. This is an amazing source of protein for vegans and non-vegans.

It is important to soak all your grains for atleast 8 hours to remove the phytic acid. Phytic acid when eaten binds to the minerals zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium and manganese in the gut unless it is soaked. Our body does not produce the enzyme necessary to break down phytic acid. Soaking them will remove the phytic acid which plays an essential role to the plant as a vital energy source but is considered an anti-nutrient for us. The minerals mentioned above will become bound to phytic acid if the grain is not soaked. Bound minerals can not readily be absorbed in the body and can result in mineral deficiencies.

I like it mixed in a salad but you can also make a porridge for breakfast.

Serving Size: 1 cup

Calories: 756
Fat: 8.44g
Carbs: 145g
Protein: 22.04g


Quinoa can be eaten similar to a grain but it distinguishes itself quite differently. Although I group this with the grains because it is consumed in that form it is actually a member of the food family that contains spinach, Swiss chard and beets. The striking benefit of quinoa is that it has a very high protein content and serves as a complete protein because it contains all the necessary amino acids. Most grains are not considered complete proteins because they lack one or more necessary amino acids, specifically lysine and isoleucine. Quinoa is also a valuable source of healthy fats specifically oleic acid, a healthy monounsaturated fat and ALA, alpha-linoleic acid which has been shown to decrease the risk of inflammatory diseases.

In addition to its heart healthy and anti-inflammatory benefits, quinoa provides a nice dose of phytonutrients and antioxidants.

It is important to note that soaking your quinoa before preparation is key to removing the saponin or outer layer. The saponin is largely responsible for the bitter taste. I find soaking them overnight in the refrigerator and then rinsing them in a strainer is an effective method for preparing the quinoa.

Serving Size: 1 cup

Calories: 22
Fat: 4g
Carbs: 39 g
Protein: 8g

Bob Mills Gluten Free Oats:

Oats are derived from the bran and the germ layer of grains and contain all the fiber and nutrients. Gluten free is a healthy alternative, especially if you are gluten sensitive or suffer from Celiac disease, irritable bowl syndrome (IBS), SIBO or other digestive disorders. Oats are a powerhouse of energy and a nourishing food to incorporate into your daily diet. They are high in fiber which can help maintain blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar during digestion.

Oats contain an antioxidant called avenanthramide that has been shown to slow down the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. We do not want LDL cholesterol to be oxidized because it results in reactive molecules that penetrate the blood vessels. These molecules can build up and eventually become blocked.

Serving Size: 1/2 cup

Calories: 190
Fat: 3g
Carbs: 32g
Protein: 7g

Brown Rice

Brown rice is brown as a result of removing only the outermost layer, the hull of the grain while white rice removes the bran and the germ layer. By removing these two outer layers the white rice looses all its nutrient properties. Additionally, brown rice is high in B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, iron, selenium, phosphorous and fiber. The high fiber content is beneficial in lowering your LDL cholesterol, the “bad” cholesterol.

Brown rice is a rich source of magnesium which is considered a powerhouse mineral. Magnesium is an important mineral for many processes that take place in our body. It is involved in promoting healthy bones, regulating nerve and muscle tone, reducing blood pressure and reducing migraine headaches and muscle cramps.

Serving Size: 1 cup

Calories: 216
Fat: 2g
Carbs: 45g
Protein: 5g