Protein pancakes are a delicious and nutritious alternative to your average pancake mix. They are made with eggs, rolled oats, and pumpkin, which are all good sources of protein and fiber. Protein pancakes are also easy to make and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Step 1
Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Allow the batter to rest for 2 minutes.
Step 2
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add about 1 tsp. Coconut oil. Once hot, add a small amount of batter to the center of the pan in a circle about 3-4” wide. Once the outside of the pancake has bubbles all over it and there are a few bubbles in the middle of the pancake, carefully flip the pancake over and cook until the pancake is cooked through.
Step 3
Remove the pancake from the pan and add an additional ½ or 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Repeat by pouring 2-3 pancakes, depending on the size of the pan.
Step 4
Reduce the heat down to around medium-low if the pancakes are cooking too quickly on the outside without being cooked all the way on the inside yet. After each back, add a small amount of additional oil if needed - I only needed to oil to every other batch of pancakes.
Step 5
Once the pancakes are all prepared, top with your favorite syrup, honey, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, or any other toppings you enjoy!