Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

Spring break beckons! For many, it translates to getaways to exotic locations, hitting the slopes, or adventurous hikes. While these trips promise excitement and rejuvenation, they often come with a dreaded hurdle – airplane travel.

For you (and many others!), flying triggers a cascade of unpleasant effects – sluggishness, dehydration, digestive woes, and a general feeling of being bloated and tired. The excitement of the destination can’t quite mask the struggle to get there.

Airplanes present a unique challenge: recycled air, potential exposure to airborne germs from fellow passengers, irregular eating, and disrupted sleep routines. All these factors can contribute to a variety of health issues, making travel, while enriching for the soul, potentially taxing on the body.

The good news? With a few simple strategies, you can transform yourself from a jet-lagged mess into a travel pro, ready to conquer your next adventure with renewed vigor. Let’s tackle this together!

Understanding Jet Lag:

First, let’s acknowledge the enemy: jet lag. The disorientation and fatigue caused by crossing time zones can take 3-5 days to fully resolve, with the number of time zones crossed influencing the severity. Symptoms can include:

  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty concentrating and remembering
  • Irritability
  • Digestive issues (indigestion, appetite loss, irregular bowel movements)
  • Weakness
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Difficulty feeling alert

Hydration Is Key

Here’s a crucial but often overlooked tip for battling jet lag – hydration! When flying, we need to double down on our water intake. Coffee and alcohol are notorious dehydrating culprits, and the last thing you want is a weakened immune system when traveling exposes you to new germs and unfamiliar environments.

Airports, airplanes, and close proximity to fellow passengers create a breeding ground for unfamiliar germs and pathogens. Regularly flushing your system with fluids is key to keep your defenses strong.

Here’s the winning formula: water and Pique Life electrolytes! Packaged in convenient travel packets, electrolytes are a fantastic way to replenish those lost minerals while you fly. Simply add them to your water bottle and sip throughout your journey.

Pique Life Electrolytes

Skip The Heavy Pre-Flight Meal

Ditch the pre-flight feast! Digestion is an energy-intensive process, and the last thing you want on a plane is to be weighed down by a heavy meal. Opt for lighter options that are easier on your digestive system.

For longer flights, consider packing protein bars like Larabars or travel-sized protein pouches – a convenient and satisfying way to keep your energy levels up without overburdening your gut.

Here are some additional travel-friendly essentials to consider:

  • Tulsi Tea: Often called “holy basil,” tulsi tea is known for its adaptogenic properties, which can help your body manage stress – a common travel companion.
  • Peppermint Tea: A soothing digestive aid, peppermint tea can help alleviate any travel-induced tummy troubles.

Pack Smart, Snack Light

Airplane meals might be tempting, but they often come loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and processed ingredients that can worsen jet lag symptoms. Here’s how to outsmart airplane food and nourish your body for a smooth journey.

Ditch the Airline Grub:

Instead of relying on airplane fare, pack your own energizing snacks. Focus on easily digestible options that are lower in sugar and unhealthy fats.

Here’s My Travel Snack Arsenal:

  • Activated Nuts (easier to digest than regular nuts)
  • Seeds for a healthy fat and fiber boost
  • Goji berries for a touch of sweetness and antioxidants
  • Dried figs for a chewy texture and extra fiber
  • Brazil nuts – a fantastic source of magnesium, which can help with relaxation and sleep
  • Cacao nibs for a hint of chocolatey decadence

Pro Tip: Brazil nuts are a great on-the-go source of magnesium, a mineral known to support relaxation and sleep – perfect for combating travel stress and promoting restful sleep on your flight

Traveling, even under ideal circumstances, can be stressful. Disrupted routines, unfamiliar environments, and time zone changes can all take a toll on our bodies. Here’s where magnesium becomes your travel hero!

Magnesium: Your Travel Ally

Magnesium is a powerhouse mineral known for its muscle-relaxing properties. This makes it a fantastic ally for combating travel-induced tension. Plus, magnesium plays a crucial role in healthy digestion, which can be easily disrupted by travel. By keeping things moving smoothly, magnesium helps you avoid digestive discomfort on the go.

My Travel Essential: Magnesium Citrate

To reap the benefits of magnesium while traveling, I recommend including a high-quality magnesium citrate supplement in your travel pack. Vital Nutrients Magnesium Citrate is my personal favorite brand, but there are many reputable options available.


Lavender Oil: A Relaxing Companion for Sleep-Disrupted Travels

Conquering jet lag and achieving restful sleep while traveling across time zones can be a challenge. Enter  Young Living’s lavender oil, my recent discovery that has become a travel essential!

Lavender oil’s calming properties have been a game-changer for me, particularly when battling insomnia during travel. Recent trips through four different time zones put my sleep to the test, but lavender oil came to the rescue!

Science on the Side of Sleep:

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that inhaling lavender, combined with good “sleep hygiene” practices, significantly improved sleep quality in individuals struggling with insomnia. Sleep hygiene practices include maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, avoiding late-night meals, and limiting screen time in bed.

My Lavender Sleep Ritual:

Here’s how I incorporate lavender oil into my travel routine:

  • Temple and Chest Rub: I gently massage a few drops of lavender oil onto my temples and chest before bedtime.
  • Pillow Spray: Spritzing a light lavender mist on my travel pillow creates a calming and relaxing sleep environment.

Traveling should be an exciting and enriching experience, not a battle against jet lag and digestive woes. By incorporating these simple tips into your travel routine, you can transform yourself from a weary passenger into a travel pro, ready to embrace new adventures with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.

Published On: March 27, 2018|By |
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