Coffee enemas have been a vital part of my recovery from Systemic Mastocytosis, a rare disease I was diagnosed with in 2017. The diagnosis was devastating, but it finally explained my pain, hives, chronic fatigue, bloating, and GI distress. I knew I had a long road ahead, and I was determined to find a solution that would address the root cause of my illness, not just mask the symptoms.

I decided to work with functional medicine doctors who understood the complexities of Systemic Mastocytosis and the underlying factors that contribute to it. I knew there was no quick fix, as it takes years for the body to become overburdened with toxins. I had missed the early clues and signs, but now it was all too clear.

In the following posts, I will share the different modalities I have used to overcome my diagnosis. But for now, I wanted to highlight coffee enemas as a key part of my healing journey.

The Purpose Of Coffee Enemas

Coffee enemas are just one of the therapies I keep in my arsenal of healing modalities. They have been shown to facilitate detoxification of the liver, remove unwanted pathogens, and boost the immune system.

Coffee enemas date back to the late 1800s but they have gained significant popularity lately. Dr. Max Gerson includes the coffee enema within his famous Gerson Diet.  The purpose of the enemas is to stimulate the liver to increase its detoxification while decreasing the toxic load. The coffee’s potent compounds that include caffeine, theophylline, cafestol palmitate, kahweol palmitate, and theobromine help to dilate the blood vessels and bile ducts thereby increasing bile flow. In addition, these compounds stimulate the production of glutathione S-transferase (GST)  by 600-700% in the liver which is often referred to as the “master detoxifier.”

The enema contents only remain in the sigmoid colon. There is a duct between the sigmoid colon and the liver referred to as the entero-hepatic circulation system. When the stool reaches this point it contains many toxins that are directed to the liver for detoxification. The caffeine that is absorbed stimulates the liver and bile ducts, to empty into the the sigmoid colon for elimination. The toxins released into the liver ducts, enables the toxins (metabolic end wastes, insecticides, food additives, drugs, alcohol, micro-organisms, pollutants) from the body to be detoxified by the liver. Coffee enemas should not deplete minerals and electrolytes because these are absorbed in the previous sections of the intestines.

Always check with your health care provider before attempting coffee enemas

Coffee enemas are not recommended for people who:

  • Are currently undergoing chemotherapy
  • Have renal, cardiac, or respiratory failure
  • Have ulcerative colitis
  • Have bleeding in the colon tract
  • Have Crohn’s disease
  • Have hypertension and/or tachycardia
  • Are pregnant
  • Have chronic or acute diarrhea
  • Have recently undergone surgery

How do you know if your liver is over-burdened?

We are constantly exposed to toxins but we have also been exposed to toxins since birth and take on the toxic overload from our parents. Symptoms can include but are not limited to:

  • Bad breath
  • Coated tongue
  • Flushed facial appearance
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Rashes and itchy skin
  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Constipation
  • Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
  • Depression or other mood disorders
  • Sensitivities and/or allergies
  • Coated tongue: looks white instead of a deeper red
  • Stools that float
  • Chronic fatigue
  • High cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Imbalanced hormones, such as estrogen dominance, PCOS, PMS
  • Eczema, psoriasis, acne, and rashes
  • Allergies
  • Chemical and food sensitivities
  • Cravings for sugar

What are the main functions of the liver?

The liver is integral to many of the metabolic functions in the body and involved in over 500 tasks.

  1. Metabolizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  2. Stores and activates vitamins and minerals: Vitamin A,D,E,K, Vitamin B12, iron and copper
  3. Forms bile and bile salts and excretes bile needed for fat absorption
  4. Converts ammonia to urea
  5. Metabolizes steroid hormones
  6. Detoxifies alcohol, drugs, vaccine components and organic compounds via 3 phases
  7. Synthesizes amino acids to build proteins

Types of coffee to purchase for your enema

There are a variety of coffees you can use that include gold, green and white to light and medium roasts. The darker roasts have their potent compounds roasted out during the manufacturing process. The gold, white and green beans are more potent, so I typically look for light to medium roasts as these are well-tolerated by most individuals. The coffee must be organic, fair-trade and sustainable.

Supplies You Will Need

  1. The Aussie Health enema bucket
  2. A stainless steel pot specifically for coffee enemas
  3. A new fine mesh strainer
  4. Coffee, see below
  5. Coconut oil for lubrication
  6. Distilled water
  7. A clean towel to lie on

How to Administer a Coffee Enema

The coffee should be organic and caffeinated. I only purchase PureLife Organic Enema Coffee. Caffeine contains cafestol and kahweol palmitate which help to produce glutathione and open the bile ducts. The lighter the color, the stronger the cafestol. The Gerson Therapy recommends a medium roast and finely ground.

  1. Boil 4 cups of water and add 3 tablespoons of coffee grinds for 2-3 minutes. Bring to a boil (this is a critical step in the process). Once it has boiled, reduce the hear and let simmer on a lower setting for @ 10 minutes
  2. Turn off the stove after 10 minutes and let sit until cool with the cover on the pot.
  3. Once cooled use a strainer to separate the coffee grounds and the water.
  4. Use 1/2 this solution and fill your coffee enema bucket with cold filtered water
  5. The water should be warm to the touch but not cool or room temperature. Check using your finger and if it is too hot for your finger than you need to hold off until cooler or add a few ice cubes.
  6. Try to retain the enema for about 1-5 minutes and work your way up to 15 minutes.
  7. After you have retained it, you can go to the toilet it and evacuate.
  8. You can add a small amount of blackstrap molasses into the coffee solution which can help with retention.

Additional Ways To Support The Liver

The Liver Support Kit from Cellcore is something I highly recommended for individuals looking to optimize their immune and digestive health. The three supplements, Advanced Tudca, KL Support and Lymphactiv along with the Biotoxin Binder supports a healthy kidney, liver, and bile duct function, as well as lymphatic movement. The target time for this protocol is 30 days, and then including their parasite kit if needed.

However, in general it is best to begin with the Foundational Protocol, a 4 month protocol to address gut health, energy and drainage and immune health and then begin the Liver Support Kit. Let’s work together on the best protocol for you and ensuring your drainage pathways are open before beginning any treatment protocol.

Here is the code you will need to register for free and to order Cellcore products  FM2ZJhN9

Published On: May 26, 2023|By |
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